Three stories that explore three different perspectives on diversity and the questions they bring, such as:
Is there a "best" point of view?
What do you do when you can't see the other side of the story?
What if you want to be a part of a group where there is no one "like you"?
These questions and more are central to this particular look at diversity. Our aim with this collection is not to prescribe or preach, but to imaginatively explore the valuable possibilities that arise when diverse groups come together. Our hope is that it inspires conversation and new perspectives for young children.
Ages 5+
About the Stories
"The Blunt Gnome and the Shiny Gnome" from So Many Fairies
Blunt Gnomes and Shiny Gnomes fundamentally disagree on how to work with gems. They feel so strongly about it, they refuse to even meet with the other kind. But when Gnath, a Blunt Gnome, and Lonrach, a Shiny Gnome, meet one day in a cave situated exactly between the two gnome lands, the two groups are forced to work this out. The result surprises them, and though their perspectives do not change much, their understanding of the other side does.
"The Judges of Juniper Grove" from By Thistle By Thimble
Juniper Grove needs a judge. The town is growing fast, and new people from different towns and different communities are moving in every day. The town council gets the choices down to three different applicants — a local possibility, a man from a nearby city, and a man all the way from the east coast. Each of the judges offers a completely different point of view, and the council doesn't know how to choose!
"The Lemurs of Milton Park Zoo" from Sparkle Car
The Milton Park lemurs are a curious bunch, unlike any other lemur exhibit, or even lemurs of the wild. They are a dynamic, colorful group, with ever-changing behavior. It all started with a very brave and curious white-tuffed lemur named Priya who received some simple wisdom from a visiting gecko who can change colors at will.