Scattered across the world and with failing powers, the Dory family wonders what will come next for them. But when Tag's studies begin to turn dangerous, the clan heads to Egypt to help — only to become entangled in deep discovery and family troubles. Can Aurora and her kin sort through the mythology and archaeology and get to the truth? With the Dory Horde, the quest is never as easy as it looks.
Ages 9+
About the Stories
"Episode 1: The Scattering"
One day at home in Peru, Aurora Dory finds herself reflecting on her five uniquely gifted children, two of whom are pursuing their own adventures in other lands. But when her youngest son wonders aloud about the silence from Egypt-based older brother, the family begins to wonder if something sinister is afoot.
"Episode 2: The Descending Corridor"
Thousands of miles away from Peru, 19-year-old Tag Dory is exploring a deep and dark passageway heading toward an Egyptian burial chamber. What is he doing? Why is he doing it? And who is this friend who has brought him to such a mysterious place?
"Episode 3: The Objection"
Aurora’s concern over Tag leads her to make a decision: the rest of the family will all go to Egypt in search of the eldest brother. When Aurora calls to inform the children’s father of this plan, she is met with his strong objections … which she promptly ignores. The Dory Family is going to Egypt and will meet whatever challenges arise.
"Episode 4: Theo's Family History"
Arriving in Egypt, Aurora and her children are met with a surprise: the father Theo has arrived ahead of them and arranged for a conversation in a secure room. But an even bigger surprise comes as Theo explains the family history he has kept secret all these years.
"Episode 5: Fast and Faster"
Aurora’s decision to find Tag becomes a journey of a lifetime when Bennu picks her up in a sports car … driven by 17-year-old Colum. As Aurora’s daughter steers them expertly through the city of Cairo, Aurora learns more about the danger that might be facing Tag and the actions they’ll need to take to find him.
"Episode 6: A Series of Messages"
In their swanky hotel, the three youngest Dory children settle into their hotel room while Salvador runs an errand. But soon after he departs, Tahoe receives a message that convinces her siblings that they need to take immediate action.
"Episode 7: Thrice Great"
As Alistair and Tag explore the underground tomb, they begin to piece together the ways ancient Egyptian mythology might overlap with their own family history. But their conversation becomes suddenly interrupted when a group of unexpected visitors arrive.
"Episode 8: Who Do You Trust?"
As she adjusts reluctantly to Colum’s role as pilot, Aurora settles into her airplane seat and learns from Bennu about their family’s ties to Ancient Egyptian mythology. She begins to piece together the connections, but nothing prepares her for the mysterious message she receives upon landing in Hermopolis.
"Episode 9 Under the Sphinx"
As the three youngest Dorys set off toward the Sphinx, their triumphant feelings turn to confusion when they encounter unforeseen obstacles. But as they follow their instincts, they meet the exact person they need for the next step in their quest.
"Episode 10: Family"
Detained by Egyptian authorities, Tag and Alistair have nowhere to turn for help. But in a moment of unexpected good fortune, they are set free and released into the care of someone they have reason not to trust.
"Episode 11: Hermopolis"
Aurora, Bennu, and Colum arrive at their destination somewhat flustered but determined to find Tag. As they follow Colum’s impeccable sense of direction, they’re led to the mythical clue … that just might be the key to Tag’s whereabouts.
"Episode 12: The Return of the Dragon"
Dr. Carmen Gonzalez realizes the seriousness of the situation and finally makes phone contact with Salvador about the three Dory children in her charge. As they await his arrival, they discover that someone else has been watching out for them all along.
"Episode 13: Thebes"
Racing away from their pursuers, Aurora, Bennu, and Colum discover that their plan to escape by jet has been thwarted as well. But Colum’s driving skills and determination keep them racing toward her eldest brother.
"Episode 14: The Rest of the Family"
As Maria, Apollo, and Diane arrive at the local airport, they receive messages from Salvador indicating where they should meet the family. Once they get settled into their rooms, Maria experiences an intuition about the danger her family may be facing.
"Episode 15: Revelation on a Slow Boat"
Aboard a luxurious yacht, the Dory family has no choice but to settle in for a long ride with the mysterious Ali Zaki. As he explains his story to them, they begin to understand that the tale Solomon told all those years ago might not have been the complete truth.
"Episode 16: The City of Eight"
After being prevented from boarding the yacht, Bennu was strongly persuaded to spend the night in an elegant hotel. But upon waking, the connections in her mind come quickly and she begins to see what her next steps will entail.
"Episode 17: Sabotage and Trickery"
Safe in a hotel room with her brother and sister, Tahoe tosses and turns in bed, unable to sleep. When she suddenly senses someone outside, she and her siblings find themselves caught up in a series of inescapable events.
"Episode 18: The Book of Thoth"
Salvador awakes from a dream that he lost the children — and then realizes that this is no dream. Together with Maria and Diane, they seek to solve the mystery of the children’s disappearance and the meaning behind it all.
"Episode 19: A Great Burden"
Together in an underground room, the descendants of Solomon Dory begin to hash out the conflicts left too long between them. But before they get very far, they notice strange bodily sensations that appear to be initiated by a group of shrouded men entering the room.
"Episode 20: Master of Mysteries"
Trapped in the mystical plans of Ali Zaki and family, the Dory clan can see no way out from a path of certain destruction. But could there be one person to release them all from this evil scheme?
"Episode 21: The Full Family Epilogue"
As the family recovers from their ordeal, they begin to process the unusual events they had been involved in — and slowly discover that the adventure was nowhere near finished for the Dory Horde.