It’s the morning of Halloween when Wink Mackenzie heads to her local bookstore and finds something curious — not the book she was seeking, but a wayward pirate from her Windward life! What is he doing here, in the present time? Turns out, the rest of the crew members are also finding pirates popping up and making mayhem in their own hometowns! The eight girls must put right what has gone wrong before November 1st — and rescue one mischievous monkey in the process.
Ages 7+
About the Stories
"Episode One: A Pirate in My Town”
As nine-year-old Wink Mackenzie waits in line for the latest copy of her favorite book series, she spies a curiously-dressed individual she recognizes from her magical Windward pirate adventures. Who is this scurvy character and what is he doing in her hometown?
"Episode Two: A Spelljammer Situation”
On a routine errand, 13-year-old Val Solida encounters a particularly strange customer at her local convenience store. Hold on — does she know this eccentric man? In conversation with him, Val discovers that all is not well in the land of the Windward and resolves to seek out her captain for aid.
"Episode Three: Pirates, Pirates Everywhere”
The serious nature of the situation crystallizes as the Windward crew communicates together about their unique experiences. Pirates are appearing in everyone’s hometowns — what is to be done? The girls use their powerful skills to join together and find a solution.
"Episode Four: Harder Than We Thought”
The Windward crew know they must return their pirate friends to their natural habitat, but how? The pirates have all fallen in love with modern day conveniences! At their wits’ end, the crew reaches out for assistance … and finds themselves face to face with a true enemy.
"Episode Five: Captain Salt and the Stone of Plieone"
The eight girls navigate a tense encounter with Captain Salt and negotiate a bargain — if the girls find both the crew and a precious possession of the Captain’s, Pi can go free. But how will they succeed? Luckily, an old friend joins them on their quest.
"Episode Six: Pasahro Cucko and the Storying Secret”
Thrilled to be reunited with their avian friend, the Windward crew develop a plan to convince the Spelljammer pirates to return to their native habitat … using the spellbinding power of words and stories.
"Episode Seven: The Tale That Turned Fear Into Fancy”
With their newfound skill, the girls persuade three of the pirates to accompany them back to their rightful surroundings, all the while in pursuit of the magical lodestone. Will they be able to fulfill their quest in time?
"Episode Eight: The Pirate Party”
Tension rises as the timetable becomes tighter and the combined crew members need to split up and pursue different objectives. But the quest takes a turn when they realize that Captain Salt’s precious gift was not quite what they had expected — much to everyone’s delight.