"Gratitude" is a collection of three stories centered on the theme of gratitude. Each explores the practice and experience of gratitude from a different angle.
Ages 4+
About the Stories
"Brigit and the Cleaning Magic" from So Many Fairies
Somehow one cleaning woman, named Brigit MacMichael, is able to keep a series of very fine residences perfectly clean, tending each only once a month. How is this possible? Asher, a boy who lives in one of these homes, wishes to know, and learns first-hand about her secret: gratitude.
"Strong, Warm, and Grateful"from The Willowbee Tree
Seven-year old Clancy is having a difficult day in which nothing seems to go his way. The willow tree takes him to the forests of Siberia where he meets a group of Yakutian cows who live in very harsh, cold conditions. But do they complain? No, they keep strong and warm by feeling gratitude for what they have.
"The Chimney Sweep's Lucky Star"from By Thistle By Thimble
Percival Potts is a master chimney sweep from long ago. Percival has a fine life, but he often feels on the outside of life. When he learns that the reason one of his clients has not paid him on time was due to her work at the local hospital, Percival receives a gift — a gift that changes his perspective on his work, on his community, and on his life's true purpose. And that gift is gratitude.