Join Martin and Sylvia as they head to their grandparents’ house to celebrate Easter. The children are inspired to create new Easter traditions by their penpals in Australia who are also celebrating Easter week — though for them, it is autumn! This “whole world” perspective is key to understanding and fully engaging in both the biblical and nature story of Easter. Ten stories, including a story for every day of Easter Week.
Ages 3+
"Part 1: The Other Side of the World"
Martin and Sylvia begin a penpal relationship with Ruby and Angus who live south of Sydney, Australia. They learn a great deal, especially that the seasons in Australia are the opposite of their own.
"Part 2: What is Easter?"
Martin and Sylvia listen to a story from The Willowbee Tree series called "Out of the Pouch," which helps them understand the Easter story through the experience of a baby bilby leaving his mother's pouch for the first time.
"Part 3: Bulbs and Blossoms"
Martin and Sylvia arrive at Nanni and Poppi's and get their first message from Australia. They learn about Ruby and Angus's traditions for the Monday of Easter Week.
"Part 4: Cleaning the Garden"
The family is inspired by Ruby and Angus' traditions and they make their own. They clean Nanni and Poppi's garden and then have a picnic in a park.
"Part Five: Sun and Rain, Light and Darkness"
Poppi tells the biblical story of Easter Tuesday and "Spy Wednesday." Brother and sister then create traditions based on the light and the darkness of those stories — including an Easter Rain Parade.
"Part Six: We Take Care of Each Other"
The children put this special Easter message of "taking care of each other" into practice. They help a neighbor in need and learn a little about the Passover Seder meal.
"Part Seven: Why is it Good?"
Martin and Sylvia hear the story of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, and then create new traditions of making an Easter Tree and flying kites. These two projects help them understand why the day might be called "Good Friday."
"Part Eight: A Quiet Day"
The family experiences Easter Saturday — a day without much story — but a lot of rest and stillness.
"Part Nine: The Rest of the Story"
Martin and Sylvia experience a sunrise service at Nanni and Poppi's church where a story is told to the rising of the sun over the trees. Following that, brother and sister get to try egg rolling for the first time. They also learn about a big Easter surprise for Ruby and Angus.
"Part Ten: Whole World"
Martin and Sylvia's family say goodbye to Nanni and Poppi and start their drive back home. On the way, they think about all the stories. They realize that Easter really is a whole world story that includes every season — summer, fall, winter, and then the new life of spring.