Feeling alone but frightened to go out? Wondering if the isolation has permanently changed you? Longing to be held, to have a conversation face-to-face, to have a little party or even an outing with friends? Fear not, these stories will show you how to get the connection you need and the closeness we desire.
Ages 3+
About the Stories
"The Worst Summer" from our Ella & Ollie: Food, Family, Friends — Fiesta! collection
Ella and Ollie can’t wait for their family’s summer trip to Cuba — but their adventure gets canceled due to a worldwide pandemic. Ugh! Their frustration overwhelms them until Daniel suggests a way to bring Cuban culture to their own neighborhood.
"Everyone is Afraid of Something" from our Being with Fear collection
Sergeant — the steadfast watchdog — doesn't want the other animals to know that he is afraid of lightning. Ben Thompson, clever cat and Sergeant's best friend, finally approaches him and makes room for all the Junkyard animals to share their fears together.
"Stone Soup" from our At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection
Martin and Sylvia love the classic story so much that one morning, they are inspired to create their own stone soup experience — complete with stones, vegetables and the collaboration of neighborhood friends. At the heart of the stone soup story are the happy accidents of what people bring to the community meal — and though brother and sister have a plan, they are delighted and surprised with the results.
"Time with the Grandkits" from our Junkyard Tales: All Together Now collection
Lil Mamma is going to take care of seven grand 'kits' for one night. She has the two days all planned out. When they arrive, however, she realizes that the seven kits need more attention that she can give! With the help of all of her Junkyard friends, she realizes that, indeed, it takes a community to care for children!
"Rainy Day Help" from our At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection
Martin and Sylvia's family gets a phone call one chilly afternoon from Mr. Brown, wondering if they could help him pick the last apples in his orchard before a hard frost arrives. Brother and sister don't want to leave their cozy couch to potentially get wet in the rain on a chilly afternoon, but they join Momma and Daddy anyway. Over the course of the next few hours, they are filled with the special warmth and strength that come from helping a friend in need. And the special treat at the end of the day fills them up too!