Ella and Ollie live a wide and rich life. They've just settled into their new house in the country and they’re looking forward to the learning ahead. Whether wilding in the woods, schooling with their parents, helping out at the farm, or playing with friends next door, adventures and new experiences are always at hand.
Ages 7+
About the Stories
"Introduction Part One: Open to Possibility"
Big news! Ella and Ollie and their family might be moving to the country. The idea feels exciting — but also a little scary. Will this new house have good climbing trees? And what about Ella's best friend, Nichole? One thing is for sure: the whole family will need to stick together to weather all of these changes.
"Introduction Part Two: None of This Is Fair"
Ella and Ollie’s family have officially decided to move to the country — and Ella does not feel that this decision is fair. When Ella loses her temper at Ollie in the middle of packing, the whole family takes a few minutes to sort out their feelings around this big transition.
"Introduction Part Three: Surprise Gifts"
As Ella and Ollie move all of their belongings into their new home, they each find that they feel so many things. But brother and sister discover that both the “goodbyes” and the “hellos” bring unexpected moments of tenderness and joy.
Since Ella and Ollie have settled into their new home, they're ready to get started with some fresh learning projects. With a few solid ideas, they head outside to explore the woods and discover unexpected activity in the ecosystem.
"Mr. Brown's Food Circle Story"
What makes Mr. Brown’s sausage dish so incredible? Ollie is determined to learn. As he talks it over with Mr. Brown, he discovers that the secret of the dish isn’t just his neighbor’s cooking skills, but his farming skills too.
"How to Help the Helper: Part One"
When Ella gets an invitation to interrupt their slow homeschool day with a job as a helper for their neighbors Martin and Sylvia, she jumps at the chance — never imagining that Ollie might find a way to join in the fun as well.
"How to Help the Helper: Part Two"
As Ella and Ollie make their way over to Martin and Sylvia’s house, Ollie discovers that he has a lot of questions about being a helper. What if there is an argument? What if they need a snack? How does this job work? It turns out that his older sister knows a lot about being a helper — and about training someone else to be good at the job, too.
"The Perfect Spot"
Now that Ella and Ollie are settled into their new home in the country, it’s time for their dad to find a nearby apartment. What will it be like? Together, the three of them dream and explore — and discover that the world has a way of taking them by surprise.